ORTECH’s 40 years of experience in atmospheric sciences combined with state-of-the-art modelling and analysis provide dependable results

ORTECH can develop ground up solar resource assessment for input into the financial model. This is completed in conjunction with the project design in order to advise the optimum selection of equipment, fixed or tracking racking systems for example. The resource assessment will use site specific solar resource information triangulated from nearby reference stations.

ORTECH uses industry standard software packages to estimate the solar resource at the Project site, Meteonorm and PVSyst. These tools provide a high quality estimate of the potential output of a solar array. However, ORTECH's experience in the application of these tools including use of site specific weather data and appropriate degradation and loss factors is vital to ensure the software presents an accurate estimate of the potential energy generation from the solar farm.

An ORTECH solar resource assessment report typically includes:

  1. General Project Description;

  2. Predicted Monthly Energy Output,

  3. 30 Year Cumulative Energy Output,

  4. Interpolated Radiation and Temperature Data Set,

  5. Array Geometry,

  6. Inverter Output Distribution,

  7. Module Mismatch Losses,

  8. PVSYST Model Input / Output, and

  9. Results/Conclusions and Uncertainties.


ORTECH has worked extensively on solar farm economics, estimating costs and the performance of operating solar farms.  More importantly, we have experience in working closely with equity sponsors throughout the development process to revisit the financial model and input assumptions at every step of the development process.

The proforma financial models of solar projects are driven by several major factors:

  • Solar Resource and Power Price (i.e. Revenue)

  • Capital Cost and Operating Costs

  • Cost of Senior Debt

To better understand and manage these factors, ORTECH has developed a strong in-house solar resource assessment team that can optimize solar farm layout, explore the suitability of various solar panel models and is fully integrated with the financial modelling process. We also have developed a thorough understanding in estimating capital and operating costs through forecasting and backcasting work on past projects.


To learn more, please contact:info@ortech.ca